The True Story

About Lies & Deceit

And the various schemes set up by School Administration to defraud the USDA Federal School Lunch Program.

A Recipe For Trouble

Our School District engaged in fraud to obtain free meals for teachers and inflate meal  counts for USDA reimbursement.

Government Fraud

For Teachers Only

No Children were allowed at this Children's School Lunch Program Station.

Teacher Only Salad Bar

The mysterious and untimely death of the School Districts corrupt Director of School Nutrition.


The corruption runs deep in the State of Georgia. Documented proof of false reports.

Cover Ups

Superintendent sudden resignation

Asst Superintendent early retirement

Principal’s contract not renewed


Being a whistleblower is not for the faint of heart. It’s a David versus Goliath scenario.


Now Being Written
It’s hard to believe
the lengths some people
went to in order to defraud the
USDA School Lunch Program.